Connolly Brothers Dairy Farm
This farm is now the site of Connolly Brothers Dairy Farm, LLC. It includes the 36’ x 164’ dairy barn and milk house, the ice cream plant and retail store (formerly hay-sawdust shed), the 60’ x 70’ pole barn used for manure storage, and the newly built 120’ x 60’ composted bedded pack (CBP) pole barn. And lots of contented Jersey cows and Herefords.
The Dairy Barn (1982)
Marty and Lynda Connolly built this barn with help from their parents; their sons Chris, Mike, and Pat; Wilfred Weston, who helped set up the trusses; Ralph Wheeler, who built the calf pens and hutches; and numerous friends and neighbors. The latter, Marty says, “enjoyed watching, critiquing, making suggestions, and betting on how long we’d stay in business,”
The ice-cream plant/retail store was converted from sawdust shed in 2000, when the family had lots of requests to sell raw milk. They began making ice cream a few years later and since then have added a variety of home-grown and homemade products -- cheese, maple syrup, beef, pork, lamb, yarn and other wool products, plus composted cow manure.
The pole barn was built in 2007 to keep the manure clear of snow and ice, enabling earlier composting.
Co-Sponsors: Belletete's Hardware and Wilton Animal Hospital
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